Wooden font for kupels. What wood is better?

Without a full-fledged font, a Russian bath is no longer a bath. After all, it is on the combination of the impact of heated steam room and cold water in the font and builds an incredibly beneficial effect of bathing procedures.
Therefore, despite all the innovations and conveniences like pools and other devices designed to make our stay in the bath as comfortable as possible, the traditional Russian bath does not lose its relevance. This means that if you build a real Russian bath at your country estate or house, then without a quality font you can not do without.

What are bathing font made of?

Of course, in ancient times, when the traditions of the Russian steam room were just emerging, the main building materials not only for baths, but in principle for any construction were wood and stone. Therefore, bathing font is traditionally made of wood.
This not only corresponds to classical Russian traditions, but also maximally useful for health, because wood is the most environmentally friendly material, which even in such non-standard temperature conditions as a bath guaranteed will not emit any harmful substances, unlike modern analogs that are made with the help of chemical industry achievements.

First of all, this applies to the font, made of plastic, although make the font and metal, and even concrete. In terms of convenience and quality of operational properties, these fonts can have different percentages of efficiency. But in terms of health benefits, compared with wooden font can not compare with any of the above-mentioned of their varieties. Therefore, we will pay special attention to wooden fonts as the best helpers in improving the quality and usefulness of bathing procedures.

What wood for the font to prefer?

To do this, you must first get an objective idea of what wood is generally used for the production of bath fonts, and what useful properties have one or another of its varieties.

1) Fonts made of Siberian cedar. Coniferous trees in general have exceptional health benefits. And cedar — the brightest representative of this numerous family.
Therefore, cedar font is incredibly popular. In the process of operation of such a font cedar wood emits incredibly useful for our immune system phytoncides (it is for the sake of this we go from time to time for a walk in the coniferous forest), as well as essential oils. All this has a very positive effect on the state of the body and especially on the health of the skin.

2) Oak font from BARELWOOD. Not without reason there is an expression in Russia: «strong as an oak tree». It contains not only the admiration of man for this huge, mighty tree, but also for the strengthening properties that oak is able to impart to it.
Oak wood is very suitable for the production of bath fonts, as it has pronounced anti-inflammatory qualities, which help to speed up recovery from various injuries, bruises and soft tissue wounds. In addition, oak wood has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, metabolic processes and improves the quality of sleep.

3) Fonts made of larch. Fonts made of this type of wood, perhaps, are leading in popularity. Traditions of making fonts from larch are not one hundred years old, so the properties of larch are known quite a lot. This material has a relaxing and restorative effect on the body. Being in a larch font can be very and very useful for a person who has blood pressure fluctuations. But in addition to the positive effect on health, the larch font is very good from a functional and practical point of view.
Larch wood is rightly considered one of the most durable. Buying a larch font from BARELWOOD, you can be sure that it will serve you faithfully for more than one year. It is very important that this material resists rotting processes better than others. Quality is very relevant for wooden font, which are often in conditions of high humidity.

In addition to the above in specialized stores of bath accessories can be found and pine, and birch and even beech font. They can also be safely purchased for your bath. Naturalness and health benefits are decisive arguments for those who value, first of all, ecology and naturalness. And not only when it comes to bathing procedures.


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