Wooden bathtub: a modern and stylish design solution

In this article, we will tell you about what is a wooden bathtub from BARELWOOD, how it will look in the room and how to complement the interior of such an unusual design solution, what advantages, as well as disadvantages it has.

For a long period of time we have to make a choice between practicality and the interior of the bathroom, trying to apply various original elements of decoration, taking into account the comfort and reliability. Bathroom accessories made of wood, including the bowl itself — a truly stunning and unusual example of this choice, as wood is not compatible with water.

Luxury wood bathtub
Most consumers completely forget that a large number of materials considered today exclusive and unusual, for example, wooden products in the bathroom, in the distant past were used for the construction of baths.

Bowls are made not only of strong stone, but also of quality wood, which some consumers consider «consumer goods». In our time, it would seem that everyone has found a substitute for this material, which are much better suited for the creation of baths, but this is not the case.

Although wood has certain advantages — it is not the best material for the production of sanitary ware for the bathroom, but valuable strong wood species some manufacturers again began to apply to create interesting models, taking into account the available modern trends and all thanks to the functionality, which significantly improves the interior of the room.

In addition to all this, there is no lack of new fashion trends for everything natural and unusual. As a result, to use for the arrangement of the bathroom with the use of such an object, for example, as a countertop for the bowl and quality reliable wood, overshadows its appearance, the fact that it is very difficult to care for it.

The aesthetic appeal of wood bathtubs
In the past, for the manufacture of ships used exclusively valuable species of wood, such a move is used nowadays for the production of accessories made of wood to decorate the interior of the bathroom.

The bathroom itself, as well as the countertop for it is made of precious wood, which are resistant to the harmful effects of moisture:
— teak;
— dark mahogany;
— beautiful larch and others, which used to be used in the construction of ships.

Bowls made of precious wood
Expensive and sophisticated technologies to reliably protect the bathing vessel from the harmful effects of water, continue to further develop the technology of quality and reliable treatment of the hulls of ships and yachts. However, the pristine appearance of the material should be preserved by applying a small layer of coating.

Wooden products from BARELWOOD, with beautiful flowing lines, are made of small fragments that are quite tightly fitted together, then carefully polished and coated with a quality lacquer, making them a real solid surface, with the beauty of the wood structure serving as a decorative element.

Wooden bowls can be made in one of the varieties.

Let’s talk about them in more detail:
Most of the bowls resemble rooks and yachts. One of the manufacturers in Italy, once changed its profile and began to produce bathtubs of various models. Their popularity among designers can be explained very simply. Such models perfectly complement such styles as ambien, minimalism and zen. Such bowls are not only the main element of the interior. They are installed mainly in the center of the room, on a beautiful elevation of wood, so that all attention was focused only on the bathtub as the main element of the composition.
Bowl of wood with a rectangular shape. Rather popular are massive bowls of wood of rectangular shape, for the production of which plywood or natural wood is used. At first it may seem that it is comfortable to take water procedures in it, but this opinion is wrong. Being in a bathtub of this shape, you can only thanks to the built-in inside of the curved smooth bed, as the design is very rigid and rough. These models look quite stylish and are mainly presented in the style of a fairly rigid minimalism. Most often they are included in collections where there are such decorative elements as a seat made of wood, sink, panels on the wall, trays, creating additional space to the room and an attractive finished appearance.

The most popular type of bowls made of wood is different from other products. Their highlight is that their design does not look like the stylish design of today. This model can be characterized by deliberate rusticity and archaic, which generally attracts much more than cool simple minimalism and sophistication. For the manufacture of these models is used simultaneously, both complex and quite simple technology. Such products in the form of a board and bottom, built from individual boards, which are attached to each other with the help of copper and brass special hoops, which are the true descendants of wooden barrels. In this case, reliable tightness is achieved by fitting all available parts to each other. The same protection against moisture is provided as for barrels. Models with such an unusual design have an oval or round shape, which is directly related to the peculiarities of production.

Advantages and disadvantages of bathtubs made of wood

The main advantage of such products, is related to the sensations that can be experienced simply from the sight of such a product:
Natural wood bowls can give the sheer pleasure of touching the delicate and natural forms of the forebears’ embrace while bathing, which fully justifies such great spending, sacrifice and effort.
Even the feel of the precious polished wood is unforgettable.
The high aesthetic value of wood in the room where water procedures are enjoyed, whether it is a bowl mat or the wood product itself, will only enhance the experience.
It is impossible to emulate and fake the aura that is felt from a living natural material.

In addition to all this, bathtubs made of wood are equipped with the function of aeromassage and hydromassage, as well as useful chromotherapy.

Despite all of the above advantages, there are pitfalls:
In some homes, the use of bathing vessels is not limited to their immediate purpose. Since most consumers not only bathe themselves in the bathtub, but also wash their four-legged friends there, which is unacceptable when it comes to bowls made of wood.
It is necessary to choose cleaning agents responsibly.
Bathtub made of wood requires systematic care, and during cleaning it is necessary to follow all the recommendations given by the manufacturers.

It is worth taking note! Equip a separate shower spacious cabin, and leave the bathtub for the enjoyment of water procedures, for pleasure and relaxation.

As ridiculous as it sounds, this product is too beautiful to bathe in on a daily basis, it is most suitable as a decoration and enjoyment on romantic quiet evenings.

Today, wood cannot be classified as a common material that is used like steel, cast iron or acrylic to produce bathtubs. It is a real luxury! But to date, bowls made of wood, far from being exotic.

A couple of years ago, manufacturers offered buyers only a few models of wooden bowls, and each of them could safely be considered a real exclusive. To date, companies have formed an extensive lineup of products made of wood, allowing you to choose what will be to your liking. A bathtub made of wood is an expensive pleasure, which is worth it. Therefore, this should not be an obstacle to its purchase, if you decide to decorate your interior!


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