Wood cookers for heating the water in the baptistry

Bathing fonts from BARELWOOD can be placed not only indoors. A lot of pleasant sensations will give a font installed outside. But the water in such a font will never be warm, unless on a nice day it will warm up well in the sun.

Although why? After all, the water can simply warm up. You can think of different ways to heat the water in the font, but it is better to use ready-made solutions. That is, a special cooker for bathing font.

You can heat water in the font in several ways: with the help of wood cookers, electric and gas heaters. The first of them, in the opinion of many owners of the font, is the most suitable, so we decided to take a closer look at wood cookers for the font.

Outdoor furnaces
An outdoor font stove heats water quickly and efficiently. This excellent result is achieved by circulating the water. Simply put, the cold water from the font is sucked into the lower part of the furnace, and after heating it returns back to the font. On the door of the furnace there is an adjustable air flap, thanks to which we can choose the most optimal mode of heating the water.

The undeniable advantage of the outdoor wood stove is that it does not waste free internal space in the font itself. In addition, such a stove is conveniently stoked, cleaned of ash, prevents ash from getting into the font.

Installation of an outdoor wood stove takes no more than a quarter of an hour. Even a non-professional can cope with the task. No special equipment for this does not require.

The outdoor wood stove for the font already comes with everything you need: the stove itself, reinforced hose, chimney with a canopy, nozzles.

Indoor stoves
As is already clear from the name, an indoor wood stove is designed for use inside a font. Such a stove warms the water with its entire area and can handle even a large volume of water. For maximum efficiency, it is recommended to stoke indoor font stoves with small hardwood firewood. So, for example, a font with a diameter of one and a half meters is able to warm up to 40 degrees in just one hour.

Burn yourself on the internal wood stove while bathing in the font is impossible, because it is protected by a special decorative grate.

Some people like internal stoves more, because they create the entourage of the Old Russian village, the atmosphere of some originality and authenticity. They are pleased to feel close contact with the furnace, which warms not only the body, but also the soul.

The installation of the internal stove is extremely simple. All you need to do is screw the furnace to the font with a few self-tapping screws.

When using both external and internal wood stoves for the font, it is strongly recommended not to neglect the thermal cover. This will save up to 50% of the time when heating the water, and you will be able to plunge into a maelstrom of pleasure and enjoyment much faster.


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