One of the most important factors affecting the longevity of the font, its operational properties is the material from which it is made. Not every tree is suitable for the production of font. Firstly, the tree must have properties resisting rotting processes, secondly, it must be strong enough to be resistant to the experienced loads and mechanical damage, and finally, the tree must be aesthetically attractive to retain these properties throughout the life of the service. In the world there is a great number of wood species suitable for the production of fonts, but, unfortunately, not all of them grow in our latitudes and are available in our markets. In our conditions it is possible to produce fonts from the following species of wood: oak, larch, pine, cedar, spruce, aspen.
Now we will dwell on each species in detail. There is a table of biological resistance of wood species, that is, the ability of a particular tree to resist the processes of rotting. So, heads this table — larch. Despite its name, larch is a family of pine trees.
Larch has a biological resistance index of 9.1 units. For example, oak has 5.2 units and pine has 2 units. It should be borne in mind that only larch grown in the fierce Siberia has the maximum properties. Our fonts are made only of Siberian larch.
The reason for such «survivability» of larch is gum, or resin, which is present in larch in high concentration. According to the European standard EN 350-2:1994 larch belongs to the group of very resistant wood species, and its biological resistance increases over the years. Many people already know that the whole Venice stands on larch piles, many ports and berths are built with the use of Siberian larch, which perfectly copes with the aggressive marine environment. Larch is also widely used in shipbuilding. So, we can conclude that larch is the perfect choice for your font. Based on our experience and observations: an oak font and a larch font have been delivered to the same site. So, personally, we see that the larch font is better preserved after 5 years of use.
Over the years, larch becomes stronger. This is a positive factor for the font. It does not become rotten, it is resistant to mechanical impact. Also to the plus of the font from larch can be attributed insignificant amount of tannins, which has a positive effect on the font not glued, where the surface of the wood is allocated all the contained substances. Another important advantage of the larch font is a lower cost compared to the oak font. In the production of oak font is more waste, the output is less, which affects the price of the finished product.
Oak font — as well as larch is ideal for the production of fonts. Oak for many centuries is a symbol of longevity, strength, durability, firmness. And for good reason. Oak is rich in tannins, acids, quercetin, oils and other substances that make it very resistant to rotting processes. The structure of oak is very strong. Oak font is resistant to mechanical damage, deformation. One of the main advantages of the oak font is the beautiful structure of the tree itself. Oak font looks very textured, rich, expensive. Many people still associate oak with longevity and durability, which is why they choose an oak font. For all its durability, oak is quite a prickly material. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful when transporting and installing oak font. Often when transporting the font, it is dragged on the floor, ground or other surfaces, which can cause the bottom part of the lamellae to break off or crack. Sometimes, this problem is difficult to eliminate. In general, it can be said that in terms of durability, the oak font is almost as durable as the larch font, and in terms of its appearance it is superior. It is also possible to meet proposals for cedar font. Our experience and dry scientific information says that cedar is significantly inferior in its qualities to larch and oak. It has much lower biological resistance, cedar is softer, which affects the performance of the font, it is worse at weathering. That is why we do not produce cedar font. Also we do not produce fonts from pine, aspen, spruce. Although these species are three times cheaper, they are not suitable for the production of fonts.
Choosing the colour of the font.
Our company offers to paint the font in the colour you like. Tinted font looks much more attractive and richer! Competently selected colour, which matches the interior or exterior, will make your font a highlight that everyone who sees it will want to have. The palette we use will satisfy the taste of any aesthete. Very often customers want their font to blend in with the interior. You can give us your paint (toner), for example, which used for the log cabin, wagons (paneling), etc., or we will choose the perfect colour. The latter option is more optimal, as the toners we use are specially selected and perfectly «friend» with the primers and varnishes we use. When using your toners, we cannot guarantee 100% resource of the lacquer coating, because the compositions used for antisepsis, log cabin painting are mostly alkyd or water-based, which do not always «lie» on the ground. And without a primer, the lacquer coating does not have the proper thickness and adhesion.