What shape and size should I choose baptistry?

We offer three shapes of font: round, oval, corner. Depending on the purpose of the baptistry, location choose one or another shape. If you want to use the baptistry for hot procedures and want it to be 5 or more people, there is no alternative to the round baptistry. In the oval font, as a rule, comfortably fit only two to four people. Depending on the diameter of the round baptistry fits up to 12 people. In our opinion, if there is adequate space in the room or on the street we recommend and for ice water to use a round baptistry with a diameter of 120 cm. It is easy to get into such a font and convenient to get out. If the baptistry is buried in the foundation, then the round baptistry can be dipped in and from a run. And so, the larger the baptistry, the more convenient to take procedures in it.

If you buy a baptistry mainly for cold water, will use it indoors, then we recommend an oval baptistry. This size, according to personal experience, allows more than comfortable to fully immerse in the water and conveniently, thanks to the ability to hold on to the walls of the baptistry, get out of it. This size does not take up a lot of space in the room, does not consume a lot of water, affordable, easy to use and in 9 out of 10 cases passes through all doorways. Also small baptistry are easy to transport even in a private vehicle, if you have a mini-van. If you have the area of the room allows, we can recommend the baptistry and larger sizes. If necessary, any font can be assembled on site. It should be borne in mind that the height of the baptistry 120 cm.

This space is necessary for the location there siphon and natural ventilation. The minimum required height of the baptistry is 1 meter. This height is sufficient for both hot and cold baptistry. However, this is an individual feeling. We offer in our sample room to «try on» the size of the baptistry on yourself and accurately for yourself to determine the parameters. When buying a baptistry, it is worth paying attention to the ceiling height of your room.

When choosing an oval baptistry, special attention should be paid to its shape. Namely — it should not have straight walls. This is a common mistake of inexperienced manufacturers. So make a baptistry easier, because there is no need to apply knowledge of geometry, which is necessary to draw the correct ellipse, as well as milling lamellas at different angles. If the walls of the baptistry are straight, then soon the load from the water and the natural «course» of the wood will deform the wall and the font will be in disrepair. The angle of the walls should neutralize and effectively distribute the water pressure on the walls of the baptistry. The baptistry of the correct shape is durable and comfortable to use.

The most popular height of the baptistry, is sufficient even a dewy, large man to fully plunge into the baptistry or sit comfortably in the hot water. If you put the baptistry on the street, or you have high ceilings, you can buy a font of greater height. Such a font is recommended to be buried to make it easier to get inside. In such a font is very comfortable to dip, because you need to squat minimally. To make it convenient to get out of the baptistry of such a height — we place two steps-saddles at different heights inside.

A few words about corner and square baptistry.
Corner baptistry — an excellent option for those who want to use the space of the room as ergonomically as possible. Corner baptistry fits perfectly into any corner of the room. It can easily accommodate two or more people, depending on the size. The corner baptistry is the modern choice of the practical owner.


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