One of the reasons for such an appeal of natural material washing bowls is aesthetics. After all, many modern household items are decorated in accordance with design trends. Cold hitech sparkle is boring and does not give full harmony with nature. The warmest texture is wood.
The second and no less significant reason for using exactly the containers of natural raw materials for baths and saunas, is to use the font in hot mode. The interaction of wood and water at high temperatures gives birth to new, so to speak, «products» that are recognized as health-improving for the human body, both folk and official medical science.
A wooden tub poured with water gives off tannins, pentosans, pectins, gallic acid and many useful elements from natural raw materials. These mentioned compounds have a high healing effect on the human body of the organism. It should be noted that the pharmaceutical qualities can only manifest themselves if the wood surface is in direct contact with water and not blocked by modern polymer or lacquer coatings. Each wood species is a kind of pharmacy with its own assortment of useful elements.
The most effective are recognized as oak, cedar or aspen bath font from the company BARELWOOD.
The characteristics of each of them is to relieve fatigue and stress, help cope with depression and insomnia. Additionally, for example, the healing components of oak normalize blood pressure and contribute to the cure and physioprophylaxis of skin diseases. Cedar components are good for the prevention of cardiac complications, hypertension and diabetes. It is worth remembering only and contraindications related to the adoption of font washes. To these include, note that most often common indications for all thermal procedures, diseases such as severe cardiovascular insufficiency, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Individual reaction of the body to the baths is not foreseeable, so we recommend consulting your doctor in advance.