Outdoor heated hot baptistry

People who appreciate outdoor recreation may find a heated font to be a true blessing. In addition, it is possible to enjoy outdoor bathing regardless of the weather. Since water procedures are known to provide many pleasurable sensations and improve overall health, choosing the right font is essential for a healthy and enjoyable bathing experience.

BARELWOOD offers a wide range of heated outdoor baptistry, which will be the perfect solution for your summer vacation. Regardless of the weather, you will be able to enjoy warm water and comfort right at your summer cottage or country house. A heated font is an effective and economical solution to create an atmosphere of true relaxation surrounded by nature. Let yourself feel the balance of body and soul in the enveloping clouds of steam, while the winter chill reigns outside the window. Realize your dreams of comfort and coziness with BARELWOOD heated baths!

Wooden slats made of cedar, larch or oak are joined together to form a baptistry. Benches inside give the structure additional stability.

Features and varieties of baptistry
First of all, it is used to cool the body after a hot steam room, which helps to relieve fatigue and tension. A dip in cold water also helps to strengthen the immune system and improve blood circulation.

The font can also be used for various procedures such as salt bathing or hyperthermia treatment. Such procedures are supervised by specialists and require appropriate training and knowledge.

There are many different models of baptistry on the market today — from classic wooden barrels to modern products made of plastic or acrylic. They can be equipped with whirlpool systems, LED lighting or even music systems.

In general, the font is an integral part of bathing procedures and can provide a variety of favorable effects for the body.

Baptistry are distinguished by the place of installation:
1. Outdoor. Such font is installed on the street, with built-in heating elements. From the outside it looks like a large barrel, inside of which a comfortable resting area is equipped. To heat the water, wood stoves are used, which are installed directly into the water. One of the most popular options is the Japanese furako bowl.
2. Indoor. The Finnish barrel is one of the most favorite, its oval shape provides maximum comfort. It is made of thermo wood, an environmentally friendly material that promotes relaxation and healing of the body. These fonts are intended for indoor use only.

The usability of the outdoor baptistry depends largely on the heating device:
1. With a stove inside the bowl. The heating component of this device is placed inside the font, which creates the problem of limited space inside the tank and makes it difficult to control it. The only plus is its inexpensive cost.
2. Outdoor Furnace. The heater is located 40 cm or more away from the basin. Thus, the liquid is heated quickly and evenly, and the vapors do not penetrate inside.

Outdoor baptistry come in a variety of shapes. The most common are oval and round, the second place is occupied by square and rectangular. Trapezoidal and polygonal shapes look interesting, but are not so common.

In terms of volume, baths are usually designed for one or several people. The outside of the structure is always supplemented with steps, inside there is a ledge for comfortable seating.

The right model will allow you to get more pleasure from rest and health effect. An outdoor heated font can complement a sauna or swimming pool, bringing an additional element to water fun in the fresh air with contrasting temperatures. When choosing, consider the type of container, the material used and the cost.


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