Outdoor font — a variety of options

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Water procedures in the fresh air — a real bliss for lovers of rest surrounded by nature. Since ancient times, people who have a body of water at hand, gladly plunged into it after a hard day’s work or hot procedures in the steam room. But not everyone has a pond or river nearby.

For this and there are fonts that can be installed on the street near the house. This is a great opportunity at any time to plunge comfortably into clean water, harden yourself and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Manufacturers offer different versions of these products, each of which has its own features.

Features of outdoor font.
Modern fonts for the street provide maximum comfort during water procedures. Manufacturers think through the design to the smallest detail, taking into account the purpose of each detail. Therefore, the operation of such products is characterized by simplicity and convenience, and free time turns into a real pleasure.

The simplest type of construction includes several elements:
— External wooden cladding (pine, cedar, spruce or oak);
— A sealed propylene bowl;
— A layer of insulation for the bottom and sides;
— Insulated lid;
— Water drainage system;
— Heating element;
— Devices for convenient immersion and exit from the font.

Usually, outdoor fonts are installed on country plots or near private houses. They can be used at any time of the year thanks to the built-in heating element, which is selected depending on the preferences of the owners. According to the principle of the device, such structures look like small pools and are made of different materials. Fonts can also be equipped with additional modern devices: automatic overflow, drain and hydromassage system.

Types of materials.
In the manufacture of fonts for the street, manufacturers use several types of materials:
— Polypropylene. It consists of the bowl itself, which from the outside is lined with wood. Plastic structures are characterized by tightness and ease of operation, and also have a very elegant appearance;
— Metal. The bowl is made of stainless steel with an outer skin of wood. This type of font has high wear resistance and thermal insulation. In addition, externally the surface looks quite stylish. In some cases, the outer part of the structure can be decorated with stones to give the spirit of antiquity;
— Wood. The font has a completely wooden base with a metal outer skin in the form of hoops. Beech, larch, ash and teak are usually used in production. It is an environmentally friendly product that emits a pleasant aroma and is completely safe to use.

The shape of outdoor font can be oval, round, square, angular and non-standard. The choice of this or that shape depends on the place of installation and personal preferences of the owners.

Types of heating.
The creation of a street font necessarily includes the installation of a heating element. They can be of several types depending on the principle of operation:
— Wood stove. The stove is installed next to or can be built into the street font itself. Such a font can be successfully used even in winter, if the optimal temperature is maintained;
— Heating with the use of TEN. This is a fairly common method of heating, which maintains the water temperature automatically. An obligatory requirement in this case — connection to electricity.

Outdoor font can be installed in any convenient way. If the choice is made in favor of a submersible model, a small depression in the ground is dug beforehand. There is also an option to install the product on a solid structure. In any case, if you follow the simple rules of installation and operation of the outdoor font will serve long and useful.

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