The font can be compared to a mini-pool with cool water, in which you can plunge after bathing procedures. This is a good option for cases where there is no room for a full-fledged pool or the bathhouse has no access to a natural body of water. In addition, not everyone likes cold ablutions. Fonts are installed not only in bathhouses, but also in saunas and hammams.
Historically, the Russian bath and font are inextricably linked. And the main feature of the bath with a steam room — mandatory immersion in water or rubbing with snow. Hence, by the way, the expression «ice font» appeared, because after the steam room it was customary to dive into the ice-hole. Common to the font and ice-hole are water procedures as part of the bath ritual with a visit to the steam room. However, unlike the ice-hole, the font is not only a tribute to tradition, but also an opportunity to conduct SPA-procedures in comfort and at any time of the year.
Kupels in a bath — what it is
The classic version of a font is a large wooden barrel, similar to an ear, filled with water. The capacity and type of font depends on the number of steamers, budget and wishes of the owner.
Types of fonts:
By shape — round, oval, rectangular, triangular, polygonal.
By material — made of wood, metal, plastic, polypropylene, concrete, composite.
On installation — deepened (with a pit), half-deepened, poured, open.
By design — mobile, collapsible, stationary.
By volume — for one, two, several people.
By configuration — with a ladder, benches, hydromassage and other additions.
Wooden font of the open type — the easiest to use due to the autonomy. The bowl can simply be brought to the desired place, fill with water and organize drainage. Deepened font is like a small pool, they are convenient, but labor-intensive in the device.
Device and purpose of the kupel
The font is the very container for a set of water, filters, steps, heating, filtration and drainage systems. Depending on the material, it can be installed on the floor, in a prepared recess or on a stand. Collapsible models are convenient because even with the large size of the bowl there are no problems with transportation and carrying into the room.
It is customary to dip in the font, but not to sit long, after the steam room, usually after 3-4 visits. After dousing in the font it is customary to take a short break and after resting again enters the steam room.
For extreme cooling, ice fonts — mini-pools with water temperature up to +11 ℃ — are used. But more often the water is cool, for a steamed body contact with water of this temperature has a stimulating effect. Dilated capillaries narrowed, the body intensively gives the heat received in the steam room, a person feels a burst of vigor. Contrast procedures contribute to cleansing the skin and the body as a whole, tonify, harden.
The maximum benefit brings classic wooden font from BARELWOOD. Cedar activates immune forces, resists stress and improves the skin. Larch, rich in phytoncides, is shown to improve respiratory function, beech — for problems with the cardiovascular system. Oak improves metabolism, normalizes the nervous system. Also oak font is useful for sleep disorders, and in addition to the therapeutic effect in them attracts strength and durability.
There is an opinion that with their own hands it is worth making concrete font, and bowls of other types — plastic, composite and especially wooden — it is better to buy ready-made.
