Hydromassage and aeromassage — useful options in kupels

Whirlpool is a German invention dating back to 1936. Soon after its widespread use, specialists came to the unequivocal conclusion that people with a fairly wide range of diseases recover faster by taking whirlpool procedures prescribed by doctors. Many significantly improve the duration and quality of sleep, swelling disappears, better breathing skin, stabilized blood flow. In addition, hydromassage is a wonderful relaxation, a panacea against tension, stress and effective preventive health care.

Hydromassage font: benefits for the body
Hydromassage helps to solve problems of poor health, helps in the fight against various ailments. Powerful jets of water stimulate and tone muscles, contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, affect weight loss and increase human activity.

Underwater massage accelerates metabolic processes. Especially valuable to take a course of hydromassage in the fall and spring periods, in the most stressful time of restructuring of the body. Hydromassage procedures are usually prescribed in the following cases:

  • edema after trauma or due to venous stasis, impaired lymphatic flow;
  • trophic disorders due to insufficient microcirculation;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the peripheral CNS;
  • obesity;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • sleep disorders, insomnia;
  • menopause;
  • muscle weakness, skin aging;
  • tired legs;
  • general detoxification of the body, improvement of trophics, restoration of ideal body contours, elasticity, firmness of the skin, etc.

There are also a number of contraindications, including:

  • Acute infections;
  • febrile conditions;
  • chronic exacerbations;
  • skin infections;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • III degree hypertension;
  • ischemia of II-III degree;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • oncologic diseases.

Aeromassage: benefits
Aeromassage is an idea suggested by Mother Nature herself. Anyone who has ever bathed in a thermal spring, well remembers how tactilely pleasant the sensations of skin contact with flowing bubbles coming from the bottom of a warm spring.

Today each of us has a great opportunity to feel all the delights of life-giving procedure of aeromassage while being in the font, without spending a lot of money on long-distance travel to natural thermal baths.
Its essence boils down to the following: at the bottom of the font are placed nozzles through which air is supplied under high pressure. Thousands of bubbles rise up and thus cause incomparable sensations.

In addition to the pleasure of contact with air bubbles, aeromassage significantly increases the effectiveness of other therapeutic and recovery procedures.
Air circulation allows the skin to better absorb therapeutic salts and oils dissolved in water.

Aeromassage is particularly useful in combination with hydromassage procedures — the water jets first warm up the skin and open the pores, while the air bubbles help to improve the penetration of nutrients into the body.

The use of only one aeromassage is also not without its charms: in case you do not want to subject yourself to intensive water procedures, but just want to relax and unwind. Then you just need to start the aeromassage, lie down in the font, close your eyes and feel your body floating in the sky.

Aeromassage is an effective means of improving mood, restoring strength, skin care, treatment of various diseases.
The set of hydro and aeromassage consists of: compressor, hydraulic motor and pneumatic switch. All this kit is available in the BARELWOOD font. Also in the system is used a switch, which is used to transfer the power of the aerocompressor in the hydromassage system, as well as quite effectively blown through the hydromassage system, which is very convenient in the case of operation of the font in the street in the cold season.


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