Steam room in winter is maximally useful, if you approach the matter wisely. The alternation of heat and cold — an excellent prevention of colds, an opportunity to strengthen the immune system without pills, a source of cheerful mood. But how can a metropolitan dweller get contrasting procedures? Only one way — by combining a font with a bathhouse!
Rebooting the body, or, When is cold water good for you?
Ice water is a stress for the body. It must necessarily be short-term: in a few seconds the vessels will narrow, will push the blood faster. The latter will maximally saturate the body with oxygen and energy, produce in large quantities of the necessary hormones — norepinephrine and dopamine. The result is obvious and that is:
- production of antioxidants, i.e. «restarting» the immune system;
- acceleration of metabolic processes;
- improved functioning of all organs and systems;
- skin rejuvenation;
- excellent sleep, etc.
The only thing you need is to follow the elementary rules of immersion in ice water in order not to harm your own body!
Ice therapy and a smart approach.
Regular users of the font and bath argue that it is worthwhile to engage in contrasting water procedures without fanaticism. The optimal water temperature in winter is 0-8 degrees, in summer — +4+20 degrees.
The process itself is as follows:
It should be well steamed in the steam room in 2-3 runs.
Wet the head in the anteroom with cold water and dive into the font for 10-20 seconds. This is enough to create stress. In this case, go into the font should be with the left foot — for a smooth narrowing of the vessels, with the head should not be immersed.
After leaving the water should be rasped with a towel, massage. The process can be repeated.
It is forbidden to drink alcohol before and during contrast procedures. After water procedures you can drink herbal tea.
If you like hot water, heat the font to the required temperature. Stay in the water — no more than 20 minutes. This is enough for complete relaxation.
For those who for health reasons can not afford the contrast, warm water in a font with healing herbs is enough. The effect is almost the same!
Rules of hardening: take cold gradually.
Water procedures in the bath and font can not be spontaneous. It is worth preparing for the process, especially if you have never done it. The main thing is to give a shake to the body, but not to harm your health.
This requires:
- Allocate 2-3 months for preparation;
- go out on the balcony in shorts and a T-shirt — no more than 1 minute a day for 1 week;
- 2 week — dipping feet in cold water;
- 3 week — short dousing with cool water;
- further — dipping in the font for 15-20s on the waist. After 6 weeks it is possible full immersion up to 10 seconds;
- daily contrast shower;
- intensive rubbing with a towel after the procedures.
If the approach to the matter is thorough and meticulous, then the frost of 20 degrees is not terrible. The main thing — do not forget about the rules!
Bathing in the font after the bath, or listening to the body.
Contrast procedures should be carried out only after preparation and only healthy people. Pregnant women and the elderly with chronic diseases such pastime is contraindicated. Do not rely on the Russian «avos», it is enough to consult with your doctor and make sure of the great risks.
A healthy person with experience is recommended to spend no more than 1 minute in the font, the most confident and experienced — up to 2 minutes. This is enough for maximum effect and good health. The duration of each immersion should increase and it is competent and correct. It is best to start small and move on to bigger ones!
Take contrast water procedures in the font with a bath and be healthy!