Furako outdoor font with stove

купель фурако

In the winter season, Furako heated fonts have become especially popular due to their benefits for human health, and our customers daily ask a question about the part of the product operation in the cold time, when the air temperature is minus.

Before giving recommendations on the use of such a steam room in winter, we will briefly dwell on the equally important points on the installation of Furako:
— The font should be installed on a solid, level surface to avoid deformation under the weight of the product itself. The base for furako should withstand a load of about 500-600 kg. The distance from the ground to the base of the font should be at least 10-15 cm;
— Make sure that the chimney is at a safe distance from all buildings and structures;
— When the furaco has an outdoor stove, the area in front of the stove should be concreted, sanded or covered with metal sheeting. Also, there should be no easily flammable materials in front of or under the stove;
— The area under the product must be ventilated to prevent mold;
— During transportation, any font must not be turned upside down or laid on its side;
— The water drain is located at the bottom of the font. During installation, it is necessary to determine the place where the water will be drained, for this purpose, before installing the container, one end of the hose should be connected to the drain at the bottom of the barrel.
Basically, two types of platforms for the font are used — paving tiles or a wooden frame.

Furako font is made of rare types of wood, so it is very important to observe certain conditions of use:
— When heating water in the font, it is recommended to cover it with a lid, in this case, heating will be the most functional and fastest, without letting the heat escape outside. It is also worth remembering that the product should be kept closed only during the furnace heating, in other cases it should be open to avoid blooming water and the appearance of fungus;
— Before filling the Furako, it is necessary to check that the opening for donkey drain is closed;
— Do not leave the font for a long time without water in summer! In order to avoid drying out of wooden font during storage, do not allow direct rays on it, also exclude exposure to third-party stoves and heating batteries;
— During the summer, it is recommended to keep the Furako filled to avoid drying out, changing the water at least once every five to six days;
— To maintain the surface of the Furako outdoor font, it is sufficient to coat the outside once a year with a mixture of natural vegetable oils, which protects the wood from overwatering and environmental changes;
— Care for the inner surface is reduced to cleaning with a soft brush without abrasive detergents that cause damage to the surface and rinse the container abundantly;
— Never fire up the stove in an empty product or one that is less than half filled with water;
— The minimum water level should be at least five centimeters above the top surface of the stove or 15 centimeters below the top edge of the Furako font;
— The surface of the stove should never be dry if there is a fire in the stove;
— The stove must be cleaned after 3 — 7 times of use;
— It is not allowed to drain water from the font before the fire in the stove is completely extinguished and the ash has cooled down.

Please note the operation of the Furako font in winter:
In winter at sub-zero temperatures, the water in the Furako font is not allowed to freeze! Therefore, after using the bath, you must pour out the water before ice starts to form.
If you plan to use the Furako font daily in winter with an indoor or outdoor stove, you must heat the stove to prevent the water from freezing, and install a system to circulate and filter the water. This will allow you not to drain the water every 5-6 days, and do it much less often.
Furako font with a composite insert in winter, easily cope with sub-zero temperatures and freely tolerate operation without any damage. There is a possibility of additional insulation of the composite bowl, as well as other additional options and equipment, about which the specialists of the company BARELWOOD will tell you in detail.
The average time to warm up the water in the furaco font (diameter 2000 mm) to 40C, at minus outside temperature will be 2-4 hours, depending on the degree of cooling of the air. Experimentally, it has been verified that at an air temperature of -7C, the water in the font warms up to 37C in 3 hours.
The heating efficiency depends on the ambient temperature and the quality of the firewood used. We recommend using medium-sized dry hardwood firewood or even the most efficient fuel for Furako is sawdust pellets. You will need about 10 kg of pellets per firebox. They put out more heat and a minimum of soot and ash. The use of pellets is recommended for quick ignition and effective maintenance of the fire in the stove, especially in winter.

Medics’ recommendations for the operation of the Japanese Furako font in winter:
When the water is heated to 40 C or more, it is best to take the bath in a semi-reclining position so that the heart area is above the water level.
In late fall and winter, it is advisable to wear hats while taking hot baths.
Medics have proven that regular use of Furako font is a very good preventive property against colds, flu and runny nose, as well as an effective way of hardening.

By bathing all year round, you revitalize and harden your body in the natural conditions of nature.

купель фурако


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