Choosing a heated outdoor font. Internal or external furnace

Heated font from the company BARELWOOD — a real find for people who love to relax in the fresh air. With it you can take a hot bath outside in any weather. Pleasant water procedures not only bring a lot of pleasant sensations, but also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the whole body. Bathing will be really useful and comfortable only with the right choice of design and method of heating.

Features and varieties of font
Traditionally, the font was an addition to bathing procedures. A container in the form of a large wooden barrel was filled with cold water and served for dipping after a hot steam room. Nowadays it is used as a multifunctional device.

Depending on the place of installation, two types of designs are distinguished:
1. Outdoor. Mounted in the fresh air, equipped with heating elements. One of the most popular options is the Japanese furako bowl. In appearance, it resembles a large barrel, inside which there is a comfortable bench. Water is heated with the help of a wood stove, immersed directly into the liquid.
2. Internal. Install such fonts inside the room: bath or sauna. The most popular are Finnish barrels made of thermo wood. The material is characterized by environmental safety, which contributes to full relaxation and recovery of the body. The most convenient is considered to be an oval shape.

The convenience of using a street font depends largely on the heating device.
When choosing a suitable design, it is necessary to remember the existence of two categories of containers:
1. With a stove inside the bowl. The heating element in this case is placed in the font. The main disadvantages of this option — there is little free space in the vessel, difficulties with maintenance. The only advantage is a low cost.
2. External furnace. Such fonts are the most popular among consumers. The heating element is located next to the bowl, at a distance of 40 cm. As a result, the water is heated quickly and evenly, and combustion products do not penetrate inside.

Outdoor fonts can take a variety of shapes. The most popular are oval and round containers. In second place — square and rectangular. Trapezoidal and polygonal bowls look original.

Depending on the volume distinguish the font, designed for one or several people. Outside the design is always supplemented with steps, inside there is a ledge for a comfortable landing.

Materials of manufacture
When choosing a street font, special attention should be paid to the materials from which the bowl is made. Each of the options has unique features of operation:
1. concrete. When creating a construction, make a formwork, conduct reinforcement, then pour the concrete solution. Preliminary it is necessary to think over the location of the water supply and drainage system. All connections must be airtight. The outer surface is covered with tiles, resistant to negative external factors. The reservoir resembles a small pool. If all technological norms were taken into account during construction, the tank will be characterized by durability and strength. The disadvantages of this option will be labor-intensive work, long solidification of the material: up to 30 days.

2. Plastic. Models can have a variety of parameters, shape. Installation of the font is carried out in a special recess, which is previously concreted. The main advantage of the design — simple and fast installation.
3. metal. The font resembles a huge cauldron, suspended on a tripod over a fire. Water is heated with the help of firewood, which is placed under the bottom of the bowl. A special spigot, located in the bottom of the container, serves to drain the liquid. The bottom is covered with a layer of pebbles or other material to prevent burns.
4. Wood. The font is assembled from the slats with the fastening of the tongue-and-groove. In some cases, the elements are connected to each other with the help of glue.

When creating wooden containers, certain species of wood are used. Oak well tolerates a humid environment, serves for a long time, has a spectacular appearance. Cedar is characterized by a dense structure, high content of essential oils, has medicinal properties, but is expensive. Larch is characterized by high strength, contains many useful substances that reduce blood pressure, have an antibacterial effect.

Additional equipment
The font is not just a container for taking water procedures, but also a full-fledged element of the design of the site. Additional equipment helps to increase the functionality and aesthetics of any model. Most often bowls are equipped with:
— LED lighting;
— podium;
— shelves;
— mini waterfalls;
— hydromassage system;
— chairs, armchairs;
— monolithic steps.

In the font with pebbles, fragrant herbs and aromatic candles you can completely relax, unwind after a hard day, get aesthetic pleasure.

A few maintenance recommendations
The font will last much longer with proper maintenance. So, wooden barrels should not be left without water for a long time. In summer, always leave up to 10 cm of liquid at the bottom, in winter the bowl is filled with snow by 20 cm. The surface of the wood is covered with antiseptic, which will prevent the appearance of mold and fungi. Annually, the outer side is treated with natural wax.

Freezing of the liquid in the bowl should not be allowed. When operating it is important to maintain the optimal temperature of water, to control the use of ordinary thermometers.

Outdoor heated font does not replace a bath or a swimming pool. The design is used as an additional attribute for water procedures in the fresh air with contrasting temperature indicators. When choosing a suitable model, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of container, material of manufacture, cost.


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