Beneficial effects of herbal font

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Treatment with herbs has existed for over a thousand years. Knowledge of the healing properties of certain herbs is invaluable. The science that deals with this kind of treatment is called phytotherapy. Through phytotherapy can cure such diseases that even the strongest antibiotics can not cure. That is why medicinal herbs and essential oils in various types and consistencies are often used in baths and saunas.

In some saunas there is a special service called «Herbal font». This is an ancient Russian invention, which has been interpreted for the modern way. Performed according to all the rules of the font can significantly improve the work of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. In addition, it will help restore immunity and keep away from viral diseases.

To make a font, a large number of medicinal herbs are used. Steaming and soaking them is done in a special technology so that the herbs gave the maximum amount of useful substances to the body. As a rule, herbs are placed in a large container, like a bathtub, which is located in the anteroom. The temperature of the font should reach forty degrees, only under such conditions the best result is guaranteed.

The font should be made of natural materials, best of all oak planks. If you want to make such a font in your own bath, remember that it is not enough to simply steam and soak in water healing herbs. You need to do this with intelligence and understanding of the case. It is best to use such herbs that were collected by hand, but you can also take pharmacy.

Here is a short list of herbs and their spectrum of action:
— Chamomile will help get rid of colds, restore immunity and cleanse the skin from various kinds of rashes.
— Chasteberry is an excellent remedy for allergies.
— Violet gives tone and improves immunity.
— St. John’s wort restores nerves and tones the skin.
— Lavender relieves fatigue.

After the herbs are selected, they should be poured with boiling water and insist for a day. The resulting healing infusion should be placed in a font of heated water a few minutes before immersion. Stay in such a bath should not be longer than twenty minutes. It is best to immerse in the font in between steaming for a few minutes. Also great pleasure can be obtained by visiting the font after sauna.

The font in combination with decoctions of healing herbs revitalizes the human body, and the pleasant warmth of water and flavors of infusions deliver unforgettable pleasant sensations.

In the font you can enjoy the unsurpassed aroma of fragrant medicinal herbs, which due to the vitamins, microelements, phytoncides (substances that kill bacteria) contained in them, favorably affect the skin and the body, many times enhance the effect of bathing procedures, returning the skin delightful smoothness.

The benefits of the font are undeniable for the skin. Water procedures revitalize the skin, give it elasticity, smooth out fine wrinkles, increase elasticity. In order to normalize sleep, relieve stress and irritation, as well as for general health purposes arrange a hot font. Hot fonts are used to increase metabolism, improve respiratory function. In addition, water from the font has a pronounced astringent and thickening tissue membranes property, and has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates cellular regeneration — heals wounds and accelerates the process of scarring.

The font is not just a barrel with cold or hot water, but an ancient health-improving procedure, the effect of which you will feel immediately.

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