Beautiful pools made of wood

When an unsophisticated person first hears the phrase «swimming pool made of wood», he is likely to be very surprised and think that wood is definitely not a suitable material for swimming pool construction. However, sales practice shows that only in the last two years, the realization of all-wood pools in all territories has increased almost five times.

First of all, of course, this is due to the fact that such a finish of pools makes them uniquely beautiful, as well as the fact that they have a high ecological naturalness, which is very valuable in our age of constant pollution. Therefore, it is so nice in these winter days, when the wind howls outside the windows and the frost cracks, to think about a warm summer vacation: to consider new types of pools and maybe choose from them just their wooden version.

Currently, there are two main directions of construction of the construction of pools made of wood, which are distinguished, as a rule, only by the method of manufacturing the bowl. In the first case, the pool device is a bowl poured from concrete, which is then plastered. At the same time, the finishing of the pools implies that the outer sides of the structure will be made of natural wood.

The second case looks like this: the bowl itself and pool trim is made of wood. It should be said that the first option of the device of pools is the most common, since people still tend to favor products made of concrete, and, therefore, reliably and for centuries. However, fully wooden beautiful pools are also not shiny: their manufacturers give them a guarantee of at least 15 years of perfect operation.

And the whole secret lies in the fact that for the creation of this type of pools are used specially treated wall panels, which as a result are able to resist the aggressive effects of water for years. In this regard, it will be appropriate to recall the cities in the world, which have been standing on pine piles immersed in water for centuries. Such cities, for example, include the well-known Venice. By the way, and bathtubs made of wood are in fashion today and break all records in the number of orders.

And so that ordinary people have no doubts about the reliability of the device pools made of wood, say that from the inside of such a structure is lined with a special polymer film, which gives the wooden bowl a hundred percent protection from getting wet. It is worth noting that this method of waterproofing pools is increasingly used in their various types. In this case, the film is reinforced with fiberglass, which allows it to serve as a finishing layer at the same time.

When creating the interior of the pool, the polymer film is rolled to measure and subjected to strong welding with hot air. In the end, the result is almost the same as the liner for collapsible pools: the design is a giant plastic cube, having a thickness of one and a half millimeters and characterized by strength and impermeability. Such a film is so strong that these types of pools allow you to swim safely and not be afraid of damaging it.

Advantages of wood pools
To understand why beautiful wood pools have become the choice of many people in Europe in recent years, let’s look at the advantages of this type of pool.

The first advantage is that such a pool is very beautiful, original and organic. It immediately arouses interest and attracts with its appearance. At the same time, it fits perfectly into the buildings made of wood and against the background of nature looks very harmonious. The second advantage is environmental friendliness, which is very much appreciated today.

The third aspect of the popularity of wood pool finishes is the great speed of installation and its simplicity. So, it was noticed that the construction of a wooden pool rarely takes more than 10 days, which, of course, for customers is very attractive. And the process of pool construction is done without dirt, dust and a lot of noise.

BARELWOOD wooden pools are new types of pools in the world. But, undoubtedly, they have a great future. After all, today all people want to live in harmony with nature. Well, if such harmony is also favorable and affordable, then the decision in favor of beautiful wooden pools can be considered solved.


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