When equipping a sauna or a bathhouse, the decision to buy a font will allow you to create additional comfort and complete relaxation at a relatively small investment. BARELWOOD company offers a wide range of baths for summer houses, made of solid rare wood, which allows to provide products of sufficient strength and durability.
A dacha font is a container that is filled with cold water to cool the body after a visit to the bath or heated hot water. In this case, when immersed on the body will be intensely affected by steam saturated with aromatic oils. All the equipment of this category is installed in modern saunas and baths quite widely, because with the simplicity of its design and affordable cost provides a health-improving effect on the whole organism, keeping it in tone.
A font for summer cottages: the main types and their advantages
The effectiveness of the use of font for dacha is proved by centuries of their use. In addition to the volume, they differ among themselves mainly in the material of manufacture. Today you can buy a dacha font made of noble wood. Fonts differ in a variety of shapes, sizes and equipment. Especially popular are font from thermo beech, larch, thermo ash and teak.
Cold fonts are installed near the bathhouse, and if the size allows, then directly in the room. It is filled with cold water and used between visits to the steam room.
Wooden dacha font is a product made of natural material, which in itself has a serious therapeutic effect. Our font is recommended for people with a tendency to diabetes, hypertension, frequent stress, insomnia. They will have an excellent effect on the skin and nervous system.
In addition, a dacha font made of wood is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also as functional as products made of other materials. Depending on the model, modern products can be additionally equipped with a heating function, its own filtration system, provide hydro-massage and so on. The price for the font in this version will be for objective reasons higher than for the model in the traditional version, but, as a rule, the additional features received are worth it.
BARELWOOD offers a wide range of font. You will be able to buy a dacha font with a multi-year warranty!